Hospitality Certification

Sustainable Tourism Certification

Health protocols are mandatory for the community to avoid Covid-19. For that reason, people are now more interested in visiting tourist attractions, hotels and other tourism sector that already have a CHSE certificate in order to feel safer and more comfortable. To align with these interests, the government now has a CHSE (Cleanliness, Healthy, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability) certification and SUP ( Standar Usaha Pariwisata ) certification which makes hotels safer to visit during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This certification will increase the level of consumer confidence in staying and doing activities at the hotel.

As regulated under Permenparekraf no.18/2021 and PBSN No. 24/2021, CHSE and SUP certification is a process of granting certificates to tourism businesses, tourism destinations, and other tourism products.

This is done to provide guarantees to tourists for the implementation of cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability

PT Bureau Veritas Indonesia as one of the biggest certification body in Indonesia is determined to play an active role in supporting the government in improving the quality of the tourism industry, especially the Hotel Service Business through tourism business certification activities.

How our certification works :


Application review process is performed and incorporated through contract review with all prerequisite documents provided in accordance with Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pariwisata Dan Ekonomi Kreatif/Kepala Badan Pariwisata Dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia Nomor 18 Tahun 2021 section 9 “Tata cara sertifikasi” covering review of:

a. Nama Usaha Pariwisata;

b. Domisili Usaha Pariwisata;

c. Personel penghubung dengan LSU Bidang Pariwisata;

d. Legalitas hukum Usaha Pariwisata (tanda daftar Usaha Pariwisata NIB dan/atau izin sesuai KBLI, atau sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundangan);

e. Struktur dan jumlah personil organisasi termasuk pegawai/karyawan Usaha Pariwisata (karyawan tetap dan karyawan tidak tetap dengan sistem kontrak minimal per tahun);

f. Dokumentasi terkait pengoperasian Usaha Pariwisata dalam rangka memenuhi persyaratan Standar Usaha Pariwisata yang ditetapkan dalam peraturan menteri pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif tentang Standar Usaha Pariwisata sesuai bidang atau jenis usaha;

g. Informasi terkait sistem manajemen lain yang telah dimiliki;

h. Hasil penilaian mandiri yang dilakukan oleh Usaha Pariwisata sesuai standar usaha terkait;

i. Informasi tentang jumlah Usaha Pariwisata termasuk Usaha Pariwisata cabang, untuk yang mengajukan Sertifikasi multisite.


Bureau Veritas evaluates perform initial assessment of various criteria such as your understanding of the standard’s requirements, the scope of your management system and your internal audit systems. Including effectiveness, of the client’s management system. It is included at least the following:

To ensure capability and consistency of the applicant in managing the premises organizing and supporting tourism activities in accordance with with SNI requirements;

Perform evaluation based on relevant criteria according to the place organizing and supporting tourism activities. Criteria evaluation of conformity in accordance with Attachments A to K of SNI 9042:2021 (depending of scope)

Ensure compliance with the application of requirements Hygiene, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability according to SNI 9042:2021.

Inspections performed on the facilities where the tourism activities carried out in accordance with SNI requirements 9042:2021.

Your auditor reviews your management system and provides a detailed report of findings, including nonconformities, observations and opportunities for improvement where relevant. You will have a limited amount of time to implement corrective actions in the case of any non-conformities.


After completion of all necessary audits, Bureau Veritas conducts an impartial review of findings and decides whether or not to grant certification. 


BV Certification Indonesia develops its surveillance activities so that representative areas and functions covered by the scope of the tourism activities are monitored on a regular basis and take into account changes to its certified client and its system.  Surveillance frequency : 1x / 5 years for high risk hotels or 1x /10 years for medium-high risk hotels, or 1x/year for tour & travel agency


Full certification reassessment takes place automatically every three years to ensure ongoing conformity. This must be completed before expiry of the existing Certificate of Approval. Careful scheduling of the recertification audit is crucial to avoiding lapses in certification

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